I have a medical condition – can I still apply for this process?
Yes – full details of our fitness medical and eyesight requirements can be found here. All successful applicants will be required to pass the fitness, medical and eyesight tests and suitability for the role is decided by the Service Doctor based on all information available to them at the time.
I am diagnosed asthmatic, but it does not affect me. Will this prevent me from taking part in the fitness test?
As you have stated that you have been diagnosed asthmatic, you will be required to get a note from your GP stating that you are OK to take part in the fitness test.
You will still also need to complete the PAR-Q form and submit it in advance by the required deadline date/time, and bring it along to the fitness test, along with all the other relevant documents that are required on the day.
I wear glasses / contact lenses or have had laser eye surgery, can I still apply?
Provided you meet the eyesight requirements. Firefighters are permitted to wear glasses and/or soft contact lenses. All successful applicants will be required to pass an eyesight test as part of their medical.
I am colour blind, can I still apply?
Colour blindness is not an automatic bar to recruitment. However, certain types may preclude you due to not being compatible with safety critical work. Protanopia, deuteranopia, monochromatism and tritanopia/tritanomaly are unfit for service as a firefighter. For colour blindness types outside the above, further specialist testing may need to be carried out prior to a decision being made on entry into the Service.
I have a hearing impairment, can I still apply?
All successful applicants must pass a medical test which will include a hearing test. Applicants for firefighting who meet the H2 standard should be considered fit for role. Applicants who score lower than H2 may be required to undertake additional functional testing before a decision on fitness can be determined.
Do I need to have all my Covid vaccinations?
We encourage employees to stay up to date with their vaccinations; however, this is not a requirement. The Service offers flu vaccination vouchers to all staff across the service.
Are there different fitness requirements for men and women?
No – all our firefighters need to have the same level of fitness as they need to carry out the same tasks.
I have a neurodiverse condition, can I still apply? (for example, neurodiversity can include Autism, ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia)
Yes. A discussion will take place with you regarding any reasonable adjustments you require to participate in this process. We may require evidence in order to facilitate reasonable adjustments, such as an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC), an adult assessment report completed by a qualified psychologist, or letter from school, college or university detailing the adjustments required, as this will aid the discussions regarding reasonable adjustments.