The following actions will help you to protect your garden from the risk of wildfire:
- Trim back shrubs or trees that are close to or touching your home, and dispose of cuttings responsibly.
- Prune trees so that the lowest branches are six to ten feet above the ground.
- Don’t put cuttings over your fence onto any adjacent heathland – it will just add to the fire risk near your property.
- Screen areas below patios and decks with wire mesh to prevent debris collecting.
- Remove dead vegetation and other items from under your decking and within ten feet of the property.
- Consider removing any plants that contain oils and resins etc, especially if they are close to your home; alternatively, plant them in moveable pots.
- Create separation between trees, bushes and items that could catch fire, such as patio furniture, wood piles, swing sets etc.
- During hot, dry spells, ensure that your garden is maintained regularly and consider using ‘grey’ (waste) water for watering plants and lawns. That way, even if there are limits on the use of hosepipes etc, the ground can be kept damp.
- Consider the position of any garden sheds and their proximity to the property. Where possible, use a fire-retardant paint on fencing and wooden structures.
- Use caution when having barbecues and bonfires, and if using fireworks. More safety guidance can be found here.