Lots of the false alarms we attend are caused by bonfires. Equally, bonfires can get out of control very easily. Please help us to help you, by reducing any activity that could lead to us being called out.
The Fire and Rescue Service is regularly called to fires which members of the public believe to be emergencies but, on attendance, are found to be bonfires or controlled burns (a large outdoor fire which is being monitored by a responsible person).
Such calls cause a drain on our resources and put both the public and firefighters at risk when we respond under ‘blue light’ conditions.
If you are going to have a bonfire, or another type of controlled burning that will be visible to passers-by, you can let our Fire Control know by completing an online notification. This is particularly important for large fires, fires in built-up areas, or near utility supplies – in these cases, a telephone call to our Control room on 0306 799 0019 would be more beneficial as it will allow us to gather more detailed information.
Wherever possible, please give us at least an hour’s notice of starting your burn.
The minimum Control will want to know is the exact location of your fire, the times you are planning on letting the fire burn, and a contact number for you or whoever will be responsible for the site. This will help us to avoid mobilising crews to you unnecessarily.
The types of incidents we need to know about are:
- A sizeable bonfire in your garden or on other land
- Any sort of fire on farmland
- Stubble burning
- Large fires near any utility supplies (such as power cables), main roads and/or railway lines
If you have concerns about the environmental impacts of bonfires, such as smoke, you will need to contact your local council: