Emergency? Call 999

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Latest Incidents

10th March, 2025 - 10.12pm: We were called at 10.12pm yesterday (10 March) to Canford Heath, Poole...Read more

9th March, 2025 - 5.30am: We were called to the A347 at 5.30am on Sunday (9 March) for an abando...Read more

8th March, 2025 - 3.30pm: We were called to reports of a fire involving a scrapyard. Multiple cr...Read more

6th March, 2025 - 3.24pm: We were called to reports of a commercial property fire. Four crews at...Read more

7th March, 2025 - 12.33pm: We were called to West Swindon Centre, Whitehill Way for a motorbike o...Read more

6th March, 2025 - 7.05pm: We were called to Holt Heath for a fire involving approx. 20m x 10m of...Read more

Hearing and sight difficulties

Hearing difficulties

If you or someone you care for is D/deaf or hard of hearing, smoke alarms are available that use a strobe light and vibrating pads.

These alarms systems work in the same way as other smoke alarms and are available following an assessment.  Please contact us via email at [email protected] or phone us for free on 0800 038 2323.

Another consideration is fitting interlinked smoke alarms that connect to the telecare, carecall or lifeline system.

If you have specialist communication, such as a text phone or Minicom, you can contact the emergency services on 18000.

Register for the SMS 999 service, it will link you automatically to the emergency services. To register, text ‘register’ to 999. You will get a reply – then follow the instructions.

Sight difficulties

Limited sight can make escaping the property in the event of a fire more difficult, so consider placing a tactile indicator along your escape route to make it easier to find the exit.

If you or the person you care for has trouble seeing the smoke alarm to test it, try putting a brightly coloured sticker on it.

Consider fitting bump-ons (also known as plastic blisters) to appliances as a way of making sure they are switched off properly.

Check electrical leads regularly by touch. If they are frayed or faulty, don’t plug them in or switch them on. If electrics are giving off a burning smell, turn them off and unplug them immediately.

Click here for our downloadable advice leaflet Sight Loss.

Further guidance

We offer free Safe & Well visits, where we come to the home at a convenient time to see what we can do together to make you or the person you care for safer. We will fit free smoke alarms where required.

To request a free Safe and Well Visit, please call 0800 038 2323 or click here.



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