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Are your neighbours Safe and Well?

Date: 4th May, 2018

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service is urging local people to consider the safety of friends and neighbours, following the latest episode of the Channel 4 programme ‘999 What’s Your Emergency’ #999WYE.

This week’s 999 What’s Your Emergency highlighted isolation issues and the Service is renewing its request to the public to look in on friends and neighbours they feel might be at risk, and not just from fire.

Safe and Well Manager Vikki Thomas said: “We continue to encourage the public to be community spirited and consider the well-being and safety of their neighbours and friends. You will find that, just by living next door to someone, you know their routines quite well, so if you haven’t seen them when you would expect to – pop round and just check in.”

She added: “If you happen to be with a neighbour or friend and see something within their home that could be a hazard, ask them if they’ve received a free Safe and Well visit from us, or something similar from one of our partners.”

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue offers free Safe and Well visits to those most at risk within our communities. Vikki said: “We’d like to visit you in your home, at a convenient time, to see what we can do together to make you safer. We can also have a conversation with you around improving your health and well-being. The Service will fit free smoke alarms where required and offer advice to make you and your family safer and healthier in your home.”

The appointment normally lasts about one hour and covers topics such as:

You can apply for a Safe and Well visit online at www.dwfire.org.uk/safe-and-well-visits or call free on 0800 038 2323. However, the Service is also working to pinpoint individuals who might benefit from this free service and will be leaflet dropping those addresses. If you have received a leaflet, someone from the Service will visit within a couple of days to follow up, so please don’t be alarmed.

* In Swindon (where 999 What’s Your Emergency was filmed), there are a number of organisations and groups who offer support to vulnerable older people.

Swindon Circles, managed through Swindon Borough Council’s Community Health and Wellbeing Team, match local volunteers with isolated people; offering friendship and connection. Further information on this service, as well as other health and wellbeing interventions, can be obtained by calling the Live Well Hub on 01793 465513 or email [email protected]

The Royal Voluntary Service, commissioned by Swindon Borough Council, offers a couple of projects to support independence and reduce isolation. Please call 01793 466617 for more details. Anyone with an interest in becoming  a volunteer to support older people should contact either the Live Well Hub or the Royal Voluntary Service.

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