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26th August, 2024 - 11.19: Fire crews from Ferndown and Ringwood were mobilised to a report of a ...Read more

Heath Fire

Date: 18th June, 2024

Time: 18:06

Description: Firefighters were called at 6:06pm to reports of a fire in the open on Bemberton Heath.  Four fire engines were sent from Salisbury, Shaftesbury, Trowbridge, Fordingbridge (Hampshire FRS) and a water carrier from Wilton  (approximately 20 firefighters).  On arrival the crews found a large area of heath alight and used hose reel jets to extinguish the fire.  The crews remained on scene damping down until 9pm. Firefighters returned to the incident at 11pm to check for hotspots, there were none.

Location: Salisbury SP2 9HS, UK

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