Grain dryer fires are common in late summer, and can be very resource intensive for fire crews, due to the complexity of accessing the machinery.
The following simple tips will help to avoid the risk of fire:
- Get the drying equipment serviced on a regular basis by a competent engineer.
- Check thermostats, temperature settings and automatic shut-off devices, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
- All surfaces on which dust, grain or other materials can collect should be cleaned out on a regular basis.
- Keep the area around the dryer clear of grain and other combustible material. Keep the air flow to the furnace free from dust, chaff and straw.
- Don’t leave plant running unattended for extended periods.
- ‘No smoking’ rules must be strictly enforced.
- Allow dried grain to cool to an ambient temperature prior to any further processing or storage – this will reduce the chance of self-heating.
- Make sure that staff know how to isolate equipment and what to do in the event of a fire.
- Suitable fire extinguishers should be available to fight any fire (Class B rated for oil fired furnaces and CO2 for electrical equipment).
- Have the address, postcode and grid reference of the grain dryer location to hand, in case you need to call 999.
- Make a farm emergency plan to assist the emergency services – list the hazards, water supplies and access details.