Farms, by their very nature, are full of flammable materials.
If you store hay/straw or other bedding material in buildings containing livestock or vehicles, a fire will grow so quickly that you will probably lose the livestock and machinery without a chance of recovery.
Hay or straw stored in barns downwind will cause extreme smoke logging of the farm, allowing burning embers to set light to other buildings and crops. The smoke will also hamper any rescue or firefighting efforts by staff or firefighters.
The heat from a fire may set fire to adjacent property or materials before firefighters can bring it under control.
How to reduce the effects of a fire
- Try to store hay/straw and other flammable materials in a barn downwind of the prevailing wind if at all possible. This is particularly important when planning new buildings.
- Don’t store flammable materials with livestock or vehicles.
- Try to keep the barn clear of other materials and property.