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26th August, 2024 - 11.19: Fire crews from Ferndown and Ringwood were mobilised to a report of a ...Read more

Preventing or reducing AFAs

Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA) systems are designed to actuate when a fire is detected, but other issues can cause activations. Unwanted fire signals, also known as false alarms, can be caused by various factors. Here are some of the main causes:

Unwanted fire signals have many different causes, most of which can be dealt with by careful planning. Investigating the causes of false alarms will provide you with important information to help you manage your system. More information is available from theĀ National Fire Chiefs Council.

Addressing issues through weekly testing in accordance with the relevant British Standard (BS 5839), regular servicing and maintenance by competent personnel, and user education can help minimise the occurrence of unwanted fire signals.

If your business has a problem with false alarms, contact your alarm installer or maintenance contractor. Any changes to your fire alarm system should be risk assessed prior to implementation.

For more information, take a look at ourĀ AFA information leaflet or email us on [email protected].

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