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2nd September, 2024 - 18:50: This evening, we received a report to an aircraft that was having to m...Read more

Fire Fighters Charity

The Fire Fighters Charity – which started life as the Fire Services National Benevolent Fund – is the UK’s leading provider of services that enhance quality of life for serving and retired firefighters, fire personnel and their families.

These services are vital to ensuring that the fire and rescue community stays fit and healthy. A range of support is available, including advice, signposting, residential rehabilitation, mental and emotional wellbeing, and recuperation programmes.

The Charity has three centres – in Devon, Cumbria and West Sussex – offering a range of support programmes including physical rehabilitation and recuperation, but also short breaks to give emotional recuperation to those who have suffered injury, illness, stress or bereavement.

With no government funding, the Charity is completely reliant on the generosity and enthusiasm of its supporters.

For further information, visit www.firefighterscharity.org.uk


One of the Charity’s main income streams comes from recycling textiles and unwanted clothing. If you would like to support this scheme, the brightly coloured yellow clothing bins can be found at Service HQ at Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre, Hulse Road, Salisbury and at the following fire stations:

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