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26th August, 2024 - 11.19: Fire crews from Ferndown and Ringwood were mobilised to a report of a ...Read more

Gender reassignment

Gender reassignment is one of the protected characteristics that is defined under the Equality Act. Any discrimination based on this characteristic is unlawful and we carry out People Impact Assessments to protect our community and staff from this. For more information around our legal duties, click here.

So, how do we consider gender reassignment as a protected characteristic in practice?

In our communities  

We recognise that this a personal and often sensitive subject to discuss. We do not ask members of staff or members of our communities to disclose this information, but we will always work to support anyone who feels empowered to share anything about themselves with us.

Community engagements and events such as Pride provide us with opportunities to listen to our trans community members, and hear what we need to be doing more of, so we can support our service areas.  

Within our workforce 

We celebrate the members of the trans community within our Service and continue to look at understanding how we can meet their needs. This includes: 

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